4 August 2009

Hey folks, hope you are well?

Welcome to the third post. A little late I know, but have had a busy week or two fending off suspected swine flu and then seeing off the missus as she goes to visit family in Canada.

Recently I have been on a bit of an arts and craft bender, what with the purchase of a graphics tablet and some modelling clay. Have been steadily getting better with the clay, although the graphics tablet has not been used as much as I would like. I am hoping to have a few posts up soon to show what I have been up to. Also published another LittleBigPlanet level, which I feel is a lot better than my previous efforts so worth checking out if you have the game! My PSN id is sin84rocks so feel free to add me if you fancy looking through the new level or challenging me to a friendly game of Streetfighter 4.

Exciting news of the day is that Nobou Uematsu, the original compser on the Final Fantasy series of games, is back to do the music for the 14th installment, which is an online rpg like 11. I didn't play 11 mainly due to lack of hardware but as this one is coming to PS3 I think I might have to dip my toe in and hope I don't get too addicted!

Thanks for reading! Andrew